FERPA Defined
FERPA is a federal law which requires that the College, with few exceptions, obtain
a student's written consent prior to disclosing to a third party any education records pertaining to that student. An "education record" is defined as any record
directly relating to the student which is maintained by the College. Disclosing a
student's education record to a third party without that student's consent is a violation
of federal law. However, the College MAY disclose information designated as "directory information" without prior written
consent of the student UNLESS the student has chosen to withhold all information and Opts-Out.
Directory information is generally considered information that is not harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. The type of information which the College has designated as "directory" is listed below. The College chooses not to disclose directory information to just anyone who asks, but rather a process has been developed to ensure that the privacy and safety of our students are protected.
Important Information - United States Department of Education - Student Privacy Policy Office - An Eligible Student Guide to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
NCC Board of Trustees Policy 5100 "Confidentiality of Student Records" is available for review.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students attending post-secondary institutions certain rights with respect to their education records. An "Education Record" is defined as a record that is directly related to a student and is maintained by Nassau Community College. FERPA rights include:
Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20202
Additional information about the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act may be obtained on the United States Department of Education website.
FERPA requires that the College, with the exceptions outlined above, obtain a student's written consent prior to disclosing to a third party any personally identifiable information about that student. However, the College may disclose information designated as "directory information" without prior written consent of the student. Directory information is generally considered information that is not harmful or an invasion of privacy if released.
Nassau Community College has designated the following items as directory information:
The main purpose of designating the above information as "directory" is to permit the College to include this information in certain publications, such as: listing your name on the graduation program, submitting your awards and accomplishments for publication in a local newspaper, or printing your name in a playbill should you participate in a theater production on campus. All requests by outside parties for Student Directory Information will be considered on an individual basis by the Registrar's Office. The College takes very seriously its responsibility to safeguard the privacy of our students. As such, most requests for Directory Information of all students (or categories of students) will be denied. For example, the College will not release any directory information to individuals or organizations seeking to conduct solicitations or fund-raising activities.
Nassau Community College honors its duty to protect the confidentiality of student records. However, the College may disclose a student's "directory information" without obtaining student's written consent, unless the student has submitted a written "opt out" request, to the Office of the Registrar not to release any directory information pertaining to them. The opt-out form will be available in the Office of the Registrar and may be filled out any time. Please note that submitting an "opt-out" request will not prevent the College from requiring students to display or disclose their ID card with their N number printed on it when engaging in College-related activities and transactions.
Education records of former students, including deceased former students, are kept confidential by Nassau Community College. Education records of deceased former students may be released or disclosed, upon written request, to a spouse, a parent, the executor of the estate, a surviving child or descendant, a surviving sibling, or pursuant to a court order or lawfully issued subpoena. Only the Offices of the Registrar and the General Counsel may release the educational records of deceased students.
The requestor must provide as much of the following student information as possible within their written request:
The requestor must also submit the request in writing and include the following:
Appropriate documents demonstrating the relationship of the requestor to the deceased (i.e., court documents; birth certificate of the requestor or other documentation establishing a sibling/descendant/parental relationship. If no such documents are available, then a written notarized statement signed by the requestor must be provided certifying that the requestor is the deceased student’s spouse/sibling/descendant, or is otherwise qualified to receive the records, based on the above criteria.)
The request should be addressed to the Office of the Registrar or the Office of General Counsel at Nassau Community College.
Students who choose to restrict access to their Directory Information should be aware that doing so may result in unintended negative consequences. For example, organizations such as potential employers, scholarship agencies, members of the press, loan agencies, educational organizations and others will not be given access to the student's directory information, and will not be able to contact the student. Opting out of directory information classification may mean that you will miss out on valuable employment, educational, cultural and other opportunities.
One Education Drive, Garden City, New York 11530-6793 - 516.572.7501
Nassau Community College A Part of the State University of New York System (SUNY)
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