Student Grants

Grants are often called “gift aid” because they do not have to be paid back. Federal and NY State grants have different eligibility criteria. Learn more on how to apply for these grants and the necessary standards to maintain them.

How Do I Get Started?

To be considered for Federal Financial Aid, you must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for each academic year at NCC. Our school code is 002873.

Once your FAFSA is processed, New York State will generate the Express TAP Application (ETA) that you need to complete to be considered for the New York Tuition Assistance Program. For more specific information on New York State-sponsored financial aid programs, go to HESC or

The College offers the following federal and state grant and loan programs to matriculated students enrolled in an approved degree granting program. Grant funds do not have to be paid back to the federal or state funding agency.

Effective For The  Award Year

Federal Pell Grant

Federal Pell Grants are limited to students with financial need, who have not earned their first bachelor's degree. Amounts can change yearly. The maximum Federal Pell Grant award as of the 2022–23 award year is $6,895. The Pell Grant is offered based on a student's Expected Family contribution (EFC) and credit load for the semester. Students are not required to attend full time. If enroll in less than 12 credits, the Pell award will be prorated according to the student's enrolled credit load for that semester. Total credit load of less than 1 credit is not eligible to receive the Pell Grant. Remedial courses do not count in program, but can be eligible for aid.  A maximum of 30 credit hours of remedial coursework can be used in the credit load for federal aid eligibility.  After a student has attempted 30 credit hours of remedial coursework, the student may no longer receive federal aid for remedial coursework. 

Year-Round Pell

Allows a matriculated student to receive up to three full-time Pell awards in one academic year. If a student was full-time in the fall and spring semesters, to be eligible to receive an additional Pell Grant for summer classes the student must be enrolled in and complete a minimum of 6 credits applicable toward his or her program of study.

A student that does not utilize their initial Pell award in fall and spring, may still use any remaining funds from the initial award.

Student's receiving Federal aid must maintain satisfactory academic progress. A student may not receive Federal Pell Grant funds from more than one school in the same semester.

Pell Recalculation Date

The Pell Recalculation Date (sometimes referred to as the census date) is a date in the semester when the Financial Aid Office is required to evaluate a students Federal Pell Grant eligibility based on your current enrollment status. If the Pell Grant you were awarded does not match with your current enrollment status, your award must be adjusted.

The Pell Grant Recalculation Date for the fall and spring semesters is at the end of the refund period, which is normally after the 21st day of the semester.

After the Pell Recalculation Date

Any classes added after the Pell Recalculation Date (PRD) will not count towards your Federal Pell Grant eligibility, regardless of the start date for the class. This includes any classes you are re-registered in after the Pell Recalculation Date. If you drop, withdraw from, or do not attend classes that you were registered for, your financial aid award may be adjusted in the following situations:

  • If funding has already disbursed, you may be required to repay your financial aid.
  • If funding has not yet disbursed and you were awarded a Pell Grant your award will be reevaluated to determine your eligibility.
  • All award amounts listed are subject to change.
  • If you were not yet enrolled for the semester at the time of your initial award, the award is based on an assumed full-time enrollment status.

Summer Pell Recalculation Date

  • The Pell Recalculation Date for the summer sessions is at the end of summer sessions III.
  • If you drop, withdraw from or do not attend any classes prior to this date, those classes will not count toward your Federal Pell Grant eligibility.
  • If you add a class after this date, your Federal Pell Grant amount will not increase. Make sure to add any classes or adjust your schedule by this date.


A Pell applicant selected for verification must complete the process by the published date in the Federal Register or 120 days after the last day of the student’s enrollment, whichever is earlier. If the student does not provide the necessary documents within this time, the Pell Grant is forfeited. 34CFR668.60(c)

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

The annual SEOG amount is awarded based on a student's financial need, credit load and the federal allocation for the award year. Students are required to file a FAFSA. Students will be automatically considered for this grant while funds are available and the student meets the following criteria:

  • Must be a recipient of the Federal Pell Grant in the same enrollment period that SEOG is offered
  • SAI must be -1500
  • Must be matriculated in an approved degree or certificate program at NCC
  • Enrolled in at least 6 credits toward that degree or certificate program
  • Must meet all standard requirements for Title IV funding
Students will be awarded with an estimated full-time SEOG award and the award will prorate according to credit load for that semester.
  Credit Load Annual Award Semester Award
Full-time 12 or more $1,200 $600
3/4 time 9 - 11.5 $900 $450
Half-time 6 - 8.5 $600 $300
< Halt-time 1 - 5.5 0 0

State Grants & Scholarships

New York State Grants & Scholarships

The Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) is available for all full-time students. When you file your FAFSA, a link will direct you to the TAP application.

  • Full-time study requires enrollment in at least 12 degree-bearing courses applicable to the students' program of study each semester.
  • Up to the equivalent of 6 credits in remedial study can be included as part of the minimum semester full-time course load. Only in the first semester of postsecondary study, a student’s minimum full-time course load may include only three semester hours of credit-bearing course work.
  • Find out more information on maintaining eligibility for TAP.

Part-time TAP creates a pathway for students pursuing their program of study part-time.  Complete a FAFSA and a TAP application and awards will be adjusted based on the student's enrolled credit load.

Aid for Part-Time Study Program (APTS) is offered to matriculated students, enrolled part-time in at least 3 degree-credits and less than 11 credits. Student must be in good academic standing and have a cumulative gpa of at least 2.0. Awards vary based on funding from NYS. Awards are applied to tuition only. APTS applications, when available for that aid year, and additional criteria information can be found on the Financial Aid forms page.  Income limit for APTS eligibility is the taxable income as taken from the New York State income tax return plus any state, local or federal pension and annuity income, if applicable.

  • If you were claimed as a tax dependent by your parents, family income (i.e., taxable income of student and parents) cannot exceed $50,550.
  • If you were not eligible to be claimed as a tax dependent by your parents, income (i.e., taxable income of student and/or spouse, if married as of December 31st) cannot exceed $34,250.
  • If you were not eligible to be claimed as a tax dependent by your parents but you were eligible to claim dependents of
    your own other than yourself and/or your spouse, income (i.e., taxable income of student and spouse) cannot exceed $50,550.

Undergraduates may apply each year for the Excelsior Scholarship for the fall and spring semesters. A recipient of an Excelsior Scholarship is eligible to receive award payments for not more than two years of full-time undergraduate study in a program leading to an associate's degree.

  • The Excelsior Scholarship is available to New York state residents who have a combined federal adjusted gross income of $125,000 or less.
  • In order to maintain eligibility, students are required to be enrolled in 12 degree-bearing credits per term and complete at least 30 credits applicable to their degree program each year. (Remedial course credits do not count in the required credit load)
  • Students and families are strongly encouraged to read and understand all of the regulations associated with the Excelsior Scholarship eligibility requirements. To review all eligibility requirements, visit the HESC Excelsior Scholarship webpage
  • To determine the amount of the Excelsior Scholarship, schools must deduct all aid the recipient has or will receive for the semester from tuition rate.
  • Application are available for a limited period of time each year.   To be notified when application is available, click here.

The New York State Part-time Scholarship (PTS) Award Program provides tuition awards that cover the cost of six credit hours or $1,500 per term, whichever is less, to students attending a SUNY community college who are enrolled in at least 6 but less than 12 credits.  Recipients of this award must maintain a 2.0 cumulative gpa and complete a FAFSA and NYS Student Aid Payment Application each year to receive future payments.  Application are available for a limited period of time each year.   To be notified when application is available, click here.

The Senator Jose Peralta New York State DREAM ACT gives undocumented and other students access to NY State-administered grants and scholarships. Apply at

NOTE: Students that have received their high school diploma from a foreign school must take an approved "Ability to Benefit” test and attain a passing score prior to the start of the semester in order to be considered for state aid. Contact the Placement Testing Center at or call 516.572.9604.

Excelsior Scholarship Appeals

Students who are determined to be ineligible for failure to meet the annual credit or continuous enrollment requirements and who can demonstrate good cause may appeal the decision by completing and submitting the Excelsior Scholarship Program Appeal Form and uploading to

Students with disabilities determined to be ineligible who can demonstrate good cause for completing fewer credits than attempted or a break in attendance may appeal the decision by completing and submitting the Excelsior Scholarship Program Appeal Form and uploading to

Students whose household family income would make them eligible due to the death, disability, divorce or separation of a parent, spouse or the student may appeal their disqualification by completing the Income Appeal Form and uploading to

Other State Aid Programs

Almost every state in the United States has an education grant or scholarship available to their residents. Eligibility is usually restricted to state residents attending a college in-state, but that's not always the case. Find out what financial aid programs are available to you from your state.

Late Start Classes

Find out more about late start classes and how they affect Financial Aid

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