Middle States Self-Study
in Preparation for Accreditor Site Visit in Spring 2025
Nassau Community College (NCC) of the State University of New York has been accredited
by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) since 1967. Middle States
accreditation assures our students and the public of the educational quality of the
college. Every 8 to 10 years, NCC conducts a Self-Study in an effort to seek reaffirmation
of accreditation as part of the college’s ongoing commitment to continuous self-improvement.
In Fall 2022, the NCC Middle States Steering Committee drafted a Self-Study Design
with input from community stakeholders, including students, faculty, staff, and alumni.
The NCC 2024-2025 Self-Study Design document was approved by Middle States, through
its designee, Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, on May 30, 2023. The college is now engaged in
the comprehensive, rigorous self-evaluation process in preparation of a site visit
by Middle States representatives on the NCC campus in Spring 2025.
This is an exciting time for Nassau Community College and an important one for our
collective future.
About Middle States
The Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) is an institutional accreditor recognized by the United States Department
of Education (USDE) that serves as an independent voice in higher education. MSCHE
establishes equitable standards for accreditation with member institutions that advance
the impact of accreditation in the ever-changing landscape of higher education and
promotes educational excellence through innovation across diverse institutions.
For comprehensive information about Middle States accreditation, please visit: www.msche.org
Steering Committee
Nassau Community College’s Middle States Accreditation is directed by a steering committee
comprised of Tri-Chairs, co-chairs of the seven Working Groups, as well as faculty,
alumni and staff members. The Steering Committee is responsible for developing the
charges of the Working Groups in coordination with the Acting President/Chief Administrative
Officer and the Acting Vice President of Academic Affairs, developing the evidence
inventory for the document review to be conducted in advance of the Middle States
evaluation team visit, and collecting reports from the Working Groups to draft the
final Self-Study Report.
Current Members (as of September 1, 2023)
Chief Administrative Officer, Nassau Community College
Tri-Chairs, Steering Committee
- Genette Alvarez-Ortiz, Ed.D., Vice President of Academic Affairs and Co-Chair, Institutional
Planning Committee
- Professor Pat Lupino, Chairperson, Accounting & Business Administration Department
and Co-Chair, Institutional Planning Committee
- Charmian Smith, Ed.D., Vice President for Academic Student Services & Institutional
Planning Committee Member
Steering Committee Members
- Nadine D. Hylton, Ph.D., Associate Vice President, Institutional Effectiveness and
Strategic Planning
- Lynn M. Bergin, Faculty, Accounting & Business Administration
- Rosemary DeRiso, Ph.D., Chairperson, Department of Social & Behavioral Sciences
- Mary Floratos, Associate Vice President, Information Technology
- Pamela Flores, Ph.D., Faculty, Social & Behavioral Sciences
- David Follick, Ed.D., Assistant Vice President of Academic Student Services
- Beth Gaudino-Goering, Ph.D., Faculty, Social & Behavioral Sciences
- Glynis Pereyra, Ph.D., Dean of Instruction
- Jason Gorman, Professor, Art
- Joseph Jankowski, Acting Vice President of Institutional Advancement
- Laura Smith, Associate Professor, Student Personnel Services
Self-Study Design
Nassau Community College’s Self-Study Design was approved by Middle States on May
30, 2023.
View Approved Self-Study Design
The following is the timeline of time of self-study activities as Nassau Community
College prepares for a Middle States site visit in 2024-2025.
- 2022
September 2022:
College consults Middle States. Rather than proceed with a Mid-Point Peer Review,
which was put on hold during the pandemic, the College began preparations for its
Self-Study Design for submission to the Middle States VP designee to NCC, Dr. Robert
Bonfiglio, Vice President of Institutional Field Relations for the commission.
October 2022:
Middle States Steering Committee under new Interim President is formed to create the
Self-Study Design.
October 2022:
Institutional Planning Committee reconvenes under new Interim President and begins
development of a five-year Strategic Plan concurrently with the Middle States Self-Study
process. On March 24, 2023, IPC sets the strategic plan timeline to encompass the
years 2023 through 2028.
- 2023
March 3, 2023:
Campus-wide information session on the self-study and strategic planning processes
March 21, 2023:
Draft of Self-Study Design to campus for input.
March 27, 2023:
Due date for campus input to Self-Study Design.
April 5, 2023:
Final Self-Study Design draft submitted to Middle States VP liaison Dr. Robert Bonfiglio for review
April 26, 2023:
Dr. Robert Bonfiglio visit to campus.
May 26, 2023:
Final Self-Study Design incorporating recommendations and the required template for the preparation of Working
Group reports, submitted to Dr. Robert Bonfiglio.
May 30, 2023:
Final Self-Study Design approved by Dr. Robert Bonfiglio on behalf of Middle States Commission on Higher Education.
September 2023:
Middle States Working Groups convene for training and data collection.
November 17, 2023:
Middle States Kick Off event for campus community.
December 13, 2023:
Power Point Slides and Zoom Recording of November 17, 2023 Middle States and 2023-2028 Strategic Plan Information Session
shared with the campus community. Community invited to share feedback and input via
December 20, 2023:
Due date for campus input via survey.
- 2024
February – March 2024:
Middle States information activities with students
- Student Government Association: February 5, 2024
- Student Activities Fair: February 29, 2024
- Student Senate: March 4, 2024
April 7 – 10, 2024:
Mock Middle States Visit by SUNY Council on Assessment.
April 26, 2024:
Report and Resources from Mock Middle States Visit by SUNY Council on Assessment shared with the campus
July – August 2024:
Working Groups meet as needed to address Lines of Inquiry, identify and gather evidence,
collaborate with other committees, and continue to draft Self-Study Chapter Reports.
September – October 2024:
- Steering Committee resumes weekly meetings.
- Working Groups meet regularly to address Lines of Inquiry; identify and gather evidence
that supports Standard and Requirements of Affiliation under focus; collaborate internally
and externally; carry out gap analyses; and draft Self-Study Chapter Reports.
- Steering Committee members and the communications team engage and update student groups.
October 18, 2024:
Draft Self-Study Report sent to MSCHE Team Chair.
October 29 – 30, 2024:
NCC hosts MSCHE Team Chair visit.
November 26, 2024:
Steering Committee provides campus community with update regarding the MSCHE Self-Study
Report and March visit. Community invited to share feedback and input via email.
• Draft Report
• Chair Visit Summary Report
December 3, 2024:
Due date for campus input.
December 13, 2024:
Second draft of Self-Study Report shared with the campus community. Community invited to share feedback via email.
December 19, 2024:
Due date for campus input on second draft of Self-Study Report.
- 2025
January 6, 2025:
Virtual community forum via Zoom for campus input on Self-Study Report.
January 21, 2025:
January – February 2025:
- Steering Committee members continue to engage the community and provide updates on
the progress of the Self-Study.
- Preparations take place for the Visiting Team Site Visit (March 9-12, 2025).
March 9 – 12, 2025:
- Visiting Team comes to the campus.
- Preliminary report shared on the last day of the visit.
June 2025:
MSCHE Commission meets and announces outcome.
NCC Strategic Planning 2023-2028
Concurrent with the Middle States Self-Study Design process, Nassau Community College
developed a five-year strategic plan tentatively titled, “NCC 2028: Building Connections
to Our Students, Community and Future.” In October 2022, the College’s Institutional
Planning Committee (IPC) embarked on the rigorous process of developing the plan,
which included affirmation of the College’s mission, values, goals, and institutional
priorities as well as the development of seven discrete plans that will guide NCC’s
strategic vision to transform lives through a quality, affordable, public community
college education.