NCC is pleased to provide you with a student Email account. Nassau has partnered with Google to offer you a Gmail account which is a powerful web-based Email service. The current suite of MyNCC Student Email service offered by Google Apps for Education includes Email, Calendar, Docs, and Talk. Your MyNCC Student Email account will allow you to receive important information from the College and to correspond with people on and off campus.
Use your MyNCC Portal User ID and password to sign in.
On the top left navigation menu you'll see an area called "Launch Pad". Click the Mail Icon to access MyNCC Student Email.
Type in the verification code at the bottom of the screen and Click, "I accept. Continue to my account".
Click "Skip" to skip a mobile number alerts.
You will be taken to your MyNCC Student Email inbox.
Your full MyNCC Student Email address is:[NCC-ID][FirstName.LastName]XXX@students.ncc.eduWhere XXX are the LAST 3 numbers in your NCC-ID. Your MyNCC Student Email is where you will receive all official student related correspondence from the College. You may also use your MyNCC Student Email to communicate with your instructors and fellow students.
It is strongly suggested that you DO NOT forward your MyNCC Student Email to another email account for the following reasons: